A cycle of seminars on the actualities of the verification system for MAHs and end users was held

The Latvian Medicines Verification Organization (LZVO) held three seminars on the current affairs of the Medicines Verification System in Latvia in September, directly addressing and informing more than 130 participants from 117 companies.

The first seminar for marketing authorization holders (MAHs) took place on September 9, and LZVO partners had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the current information on the operation of the verification system in Latvia, LZVO's international experience in working with other national verification systems and in Arvato working groups, investigation of alerts and current events in this field, quality management systems and procedures for ensuring data quality and operational efficiency, as well as IT security aspects.

In the seminars dedicated to end users, which took place on September 13 (pharmacies and wholesalers) and September 14 (medical institutions), LZVO informed about the operation of the verification system in Latvia, as well as about the obligations of end users in the verification system, the investigation of alerts and current events in this area. The participants of the seminar had the opportunity to listen to experience stories about the use of the verification system and the investigation of alerts, which were shared by both end user IT representatives and IT system developers. Thanks to the long-term and positive cooperation with the Pharmacists’ Society of Latvia, pharmacists and pharmacist assistants had the opportunity to receive LFB TIP points. Representatives of the Health Inspectorate and the State Agency of Medicines also participated in the seminars and answered to participants’ questions.