Performance indicators of the Latvian Medicines Verification System in the first three quarters

In the third quarter of 2024, a total of 28 million transactions were carried out in the Latvian Medicines Verification System (LZVS). After the final verification, slightly more than 7.4 million medicine packages were supplied to citizens in Latvia. 

In the nine months of 2024, a total of 86 million transactions were recorded in the LZVS, and after the final inspection, around 22 million medicine packages reached the citizens.


Overall, the performance and operation of the LZVS have been stable during this period. The system processes transactions and generates alerts as required by the operational standards. The Latvian Medicines Verification Organization (LZVO) has no reports of potential counterfeit medicine cases.

The number of alerts, compared to the corresponding period in 2023, has decreased in both the 3rd quarter and the nine months. Most alerts in Q3 were caused by the error messages “Pack already delivered/Drug pack already inactive”, “Unknown serial number” and “Batch does not match serial number”. Most of the cases were related to technical errors in scanners and/or software. The errors were fixed, and the packs were successfully verified and decommissioned from LZVS.