LZVO changed their working mode

Latvian Medicines Verification Organization (LZVO) will work in a mixed mode from 9 November to 6 December, both remotely and on-site, following the emergency restrictions set by the Latvian government in order to control the Covid-19. LZVO operates at full capacity by providing verification system, support via telephone and e-mail, as well as the receipt of correspondence in the office.

Please contact LZVO:

  • single telephone number: +371 29367267;
  • helpdesk for questions of whistleblowing: info@lzvo.lv;
  • e-mail for common questions: lzvo@lzvo.lv;
  • Documents with e-signature can be used for official correspondence.

Also, European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO) has announced remote work. The usual channel of communication remains:

For more information about the state of the emergency in Latvia please visit: https://www.mk.gov.lv/en/aktualitates/ob-obyavlenii-rezhima-chrezvychaynoy-situacii