Performance indicators of the Latvian Medicines Verification System of the 3rd quarter

In the 3rd quarter of 2023, 26.9 million transactions have been performed in the Latvian Medicines Verification System, of which 7 million packages were decommissioned and supplied to patients. During this period, the number of decommissioned packages increased by 2% compared to the corresponding period in 2022. 

In the 3rd quarter, the proportion of alerts of transactions reached 0.02%. Most of alerts were generated in pharmacies – 56%, alerts were also generated in pharmaceutical wholesalers (14%) and in hospitals and other healthcare institutions (15%),

When summarizing the most frequent alert codes in the 3rd quarter of 2023, 34% of all were pack is already inactive, 27% – unknown serial number, 26% – batch ID mismatch, and 11% - batch ID unknown.