
Insights from Romania’s medicines verification system experience

The main mission of the Romanian Medicines Serialisation Organisation (OSMR) is to manage the National Medicines Verification System (NMVS), through which we ensure that every medicine put into circulation on the national market is authentic. As General Manager, I have had the privilege of overseeing the implementation and operation of Romania’s NMVS, a cornerstone in the fight against falsified medicines.

2024 in the medicines verification system: achievements and upcoming developments

The turn of the year reminds us to look back at the steps taken by the Latvian Medicines Verification Organisation and other members of the European Medicines Verification Organisation throughout this year. Next year, the ecosystem of national medicines verification organisations will undergo a change in membership, while the Latvian Medicines Verification System will see improvements in processes that have already started to be reviewed this year.

LZVO to start ISO certification process next year

The Latvian Medicines Verification Organisation (LZVO) intends to start the ISO certification process for Quality management system (ISO 9001) and Information security management system (ISO 27001) certificates in the first half of 2025. The assessment of the medicines verification system and its supporting processes against international quality and security standards will contribute to the development, stability and reliability of the system.