
Latest EMVO newsletter on the operation of the medicines verification system

The European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO) has launched a newsletter, which looks back on the past four years of the verification system’s operation, informs about the launch of the European Alert Management System (EAMS) and provides an opportunity to look into the first European Medicines Verification System’s (EMVS) forum, which was also attended by the Latvian Medicines Verification Organisation (LZVO) representatives Inese Erdmane and Andra Pučko.

EMVS Community 2022 Holiday Bulletin

Summarizing what was done in 2022 and outlining the plans for 2023, the European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO) in cooperation with the National Medicines Verification Organisations has published the EMVS Community Newsletter – 2022 Holiday Bulletin edition. In this bulletin, Inese Erdmane, Chairwoman of the Board at the Latvian Medicines Verification Organisation (LZVO), also talks about this year's achievements.

EMVO newsletter informs about integrated management of the medicines verification system

The European Medicines Verification Organization (EMVO) has launched a newsletter, which informs about the National Medicines Verification Organization (NMVO) and the European Change Control Board (EU CCB) created by the EMVO, various working groups – IT, quality, as well as the Inter-Operability Testing group, which allows for more efficient management of the medicines verification system and improvement of its development in all Member States.