
End users evaluate the content, form and frequency of the LZVO newsletters

To ensure that the Latvian Medicines Verification Organisation’s (LZVO) newsletters meet the needs of end users in terms of content and format, LZVO conducted a survey of end users in May of this year. Among those respondents (242 end users) who assessed the relevance and value of the newsletters’ information, 76% or 185 respondents rated the relevance and value of information as very good or good.

#europe news
Latest EMVO newsletter on the operation of the medicines verification system – June 2023

The European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO) has launched a newsletter, which informs about the statement from EMVO’s new President, the roles and responsibilities of the National Medicines Verification Organisations (NMVO) Observers, the experience from the Hungarian Medicines Verification Organisation in ending the stabilisation period, the Belgium's experience with the Nordic recommendations on the recalls of batches and withdrawal of products, as well as on the status of alerts in the European Medicines Verification System (EMVS).

SWS have repeatedly rated the LZVO’s customer service highly

To improve the quality of work and cooperation with its customers, in April of this year, the Latvian Medicines Verification Organisation (LZVO) conducted a survey with Software Suppliers (SWS) about the LZVO's customer service. An invitation to participate in the survey was sent to all SWS’ who cooperate with the LZVO and offer technical solutions for Latvian end users – pharmacies, hospitals, healthcare institutions and pharmaceutical wholesalers.